Monday, September 17, 2012

Keep Your Coins, I Want Change.

Four Steps For Committing To Personal Change


An action most people think about, but rarely follow through with. How many times have you thought,

If I did this, or changed that it would be nice..
but you don't follow through with it because when we think about change, we also relate it with the fear of what others will think, what the possible issues could come up, basically all the negative possibilities that come along with any change? When will you ever REALLY have TIME for change, unless you make time for it?

Another reason we don't follow through with changes is because we have lack of COMMITMENT to the change. The hard work and constant effort in order to really create a change is enough for many to shy away.

Below are four tips to help you commit to change, I hope they help you in whatever personal commitment you are trying to create. I myself use these to help me change my habits and create new ones. Many Blessings All<3


 Identify the change you would like to make, or the habit you would like to create. If your goal is to get rid of a bad habit that already exists, be sure to identify a positive action as a substitute for the negative action. Be as specific as possible. Instead of saying "I will exercise more", say something like, “I will go running on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5pm to 7pm and On Saturdays from 6 to 8pm” is more
specific and will help you hold yourself to your commitment.


This will be your power for fighting for change! Write down all of your reasons for changing or creating a new habit. We all have different reasons. My Grandpa's reason for going to the gym may to get healthier, my cousin's reason might be to pick up chicks. Look at how this habit will help any and all aspects of your life. How will changing positively affect all those aspects? Think about your personal life, as well as your physical health, social contacts, emotional being, ect.. The more in depth you are when writing all these things down, the easier it will be for you to really follow through with change.  Keep writing these things down until life without this change is hard to imagine.


Next, write down all the aspects in your life that will be affective in a negative way if you don't change the habit. Remember to again include ALL aspects, socially, physically, emotionally. Will not changing effect your relationship with your spouse, children, family, co-workers, income? List all these negatives, and take time to examine what the consequences of not changing will really be.


Take the lists you have created, and prepare to truly commit to building your new habit for at least three weeks, because research tells us that it takes no less than three full weeks to change or create a new habit. During this time, examine the lists from the last two steps, your negative and positive lists, and add to them on a daily basis. Habit changing or forming is not easy, unless the reasons for doing so are important. When we say we can’t change a habit, what we say really is we don’t have a big enough motivation or reason to change. Make sure you want to change for YOURSELF, because that is what is going to make the change truly help.

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